Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fitness Tip: Exercise of Choice - Many people are looking for the best overall exercises. If I was to select the best single exercise if you could only pick one, then it would be the Leg Squat. Squats are an excellent lower body exercise that hit the largest muscles in your body which includes glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves.

Working your largest muscle groups helps you begin the body composition transformation that reduces fat % and builds toned muscles. Find an Exercise Ball, lean against it with your back while your head is straight and looking forward. Feet should be shoulder width apart. With a smooth and steady sitting motion, bend at the hips, and move your body downward till your legs are bent at a 90 degree angle. Pause for one second keeping the muscles in your lower body contracted, and then move slowly back up into the standing upright position. Repeat this movement at least 12-15 times. Make sure you keep the fitness ball resting in your lower back area for support, and stay very upright with your back while looking straight forward and not down at your feet.

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